If like me, you’re a parent with a child with past respiratory problems, then you’re invested in knowing when we can vaccinate our children against covid-19. To be fair, every parent is invested in knowing when we can afford our children the same protection from this coronavirus that those adults who are vaccinated can currently enjoy.
Good news for teenagers!
On May 10th, usage of covid-19 vaccines in adolescents (12 years and older) was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration. This does seem to be, however, under the emergency use provisions, so it’s unclear when vaccines may be approved for use in countries like Australia (where we are) and other places that are relatively covid free.
Vaccines coming soon for 2-11 year olds
It seems that there may be a possible (USA) approval for the Pfizer vaccine to be used under emergency provisions in 2-11-year-olds. This looks to be coming around September this year, which sounds like they are aiming to try and get approval before another American winter.
Uncertain future for Australian kids
So far Australia has been relatively lucky compared to the rest of the world and this pandemic. This certainly isn’t a Hollywood movie (like some politicians seem to see it as here in Australia) with them the starring role. Especially when we start to discuss opening up to the virus (and to the world) with an absolutely disastrous vaccination campaign.
Firstly, the Australian government failed to secure enough doses of different vaccines – instead they put all their money on the cheapest – Astra Zeneca. The one that sometimes causes blood clots. Yes, they’re very rare, but it has still hurt vaccine takeup here in Australia. This means if we open up without enough people vaccinated there may be a major outbreak which would mean deaths.
The most at risk may then no longer be adults, who had the options of being vaccinated, but the children (with no vaccine access) and those who refused to be vaccinated. As a human being, I would like things to return to normal and go overseas, but as a parent, I’m happy with closed borders.
Good luck with everything wherever you are in the world. Make sure to check with your doctor about any news for a vaccine for your child (possibly in the next 12-24 months). Also, make sure you vaccinate yourself too. The more of us that are vaccinated, the safer our children will be as vaccines have been shown to dramatically reduce transmission rates of Covid-19.
Let’s leave the conspiracies for the movies and get vaccinated TODAY (unless you’re in Australia and have no access to any vaccines!)